Everybody gets to play!

Here in the Vineyard we have a saying: Everybody gets to play! It means we take seriously Jesus’ command to ALL of his followers to ‘Go and make disciples‘.

In our fellowship, everybody is picked on the team. Church is not a spectator sport where you watch from the sidelines. The Bible talks about the ‘Priesthood of all believers’. We may have different gifts and functions in the Body but without you we’re missing something!

We are passionate about equipping and releasing disciples to go and make more disciples. The good news is you’re never too old or young to serve our King. For example, more than half our adults help disciple our children and more than a half of our fellowship is part of our worship team.

While we have many leaders, we see their roles primarily as raising up others and encouraging all of us to grow in: pastoring; praying, serving the least, the last and the lost; teaching; worshipping; witnessing; being a blessing through our day-to-day work and lives; and the list goes on.

Vineyard is committed to seeing the Church grow and multiply. Whatever your skills and interests we believe that God has made you well for his purposes. Come as you are, be real and expect to grow. Jesus said his disciples would do greater things than he did. So get out there on the field and give it your best shot!

Jonathan & Helen Gould
Jonathan & Helen GouldSenior Pastors
Jonathan & Helen pursued God’s call to move to Brisbane from the UK in 2007. They accepted the call to pastor Brisbane West in 2015. Jonathan & Helen serve on the board of Vineyard Churches Australia and coordinated prayer for the movement for many years. Jonathan also co-leads an international ministry. They have four beautiful children.
Dan & Naomi Weekes
Dan & Naomi WeekesAssistant Pastors
Dan & Naomi are long-term members of Vineyard Brisbane West. They accepted the call as Assistant Pastors in 2016. Dan is currently studying for a Bachelor of Ministry. Naomi was an experienced medical professional until recently. They have two lovely sons.