Sharing God’s love, power and life revealed in Jesus
Vineyard Brisbane West is a friendly, informal and passionate church that is home to:
- Bible-believing
- Kingdom-minded
- Spirit-empowered
- disciple-making
humble Christians. We celebrate that we are loved by God and want to share his love with everyone. As a family we are champions of the universal Church, seeking to be:
- Salt = agents of Kingdom renewal who are contemporary and relevant
- Leaven = influencers who bring Kingdom breakthrough and transformation
- Light = witnesses to the King and his Kingdom in word and deed
to the world around us.
I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.
We don’t seek God’s power, we seek His presence.
His power & everything else we need is always found in His presence.
It’s not about the Vineyard. It’s about Jesus.
His fame is what our mission should be.
The call of the kingdom isn’t just one part of our life,
it’s all of it!
Our mission is to make disciples
Our mission is to embody the Father’s love and make known his Kingdom plan to redeem the world one precious life at a time.
Our vision is to see God’s Kingdom come
Our vision is to exercise faith to see God’s Kingdom rule and reign breakthrough on earth:
- as we equip people, releasing them into the freedom of their God-given, all-of-life callings {Transformed Lives},
- where we serve in a culture of honour alongside others with complementary callings {Transformed Relationships},
- to demonstrate God’s love, mercy and grace to the world around us {Transformed Communities},
- thereby bringing God all the worship that is due to his name {Transferred Throne-room}.
We value a culture of
- Unconditional Love
- Heartfelt Worship
- Powerful Witness
- Compassionate Service
- Learning and Equipping
- Honour and Reconciliation